Komentar :
Agus Sasmito Hariawan (07/02/2018 00:30)
Looks huge from outside, but its not so huge inside. Nice old giant piano..
Probo Darono Yakti (27/01/2018 10:27)
It is a neoclassic church with also an antique pipe organs. Side by side with Istiqlal Mouse.
Endang S Fanggidae Lerrich (03/01/2018 07:29)
The oldest church in the Center of Jakarta
We can enjoy the ceremony in many languages according to the time displayed
Alice Calden (24/12/2017 05:00)
The oldest and largest pipe organs in Jakarta. please be careful to not touch the pipe organs carelessly, it’s still working since the 19th century until this review posted (24/12/2017)
the building is so old yet still standing strong. built with the dutch style.
Yossintana Caroline (01/11/2017 07:28)
The church is an old antique worship building which has Dutch & English services on 10 am & 5 pm. It's quiet good to join the worship since there are several air conditioners & fans, but the toilets need more maintenance & care. The parking lots are spacious & the location is strategic to be reached.
Annesly Lestari (05/09/2017 12:18)
This church have English Sunday Service.. And this building 178 years old and have pipe organ..
Gratia Aoki (04/09/2017 03:05)
This church is built during the 3 centuries dutch colonialization and remain as a prostestant church with a dutch service every Sunday at 10.00am
Nidya Aryoga (14/07/2017 13:44)
Took 4 years to finished the construction in 1839. One of the oldest church in Indonesia. Old but pretty.
Yohana Hukom (30/04/2017 11:03)
English Worship Service @ Immanuel Church Jakarta on 5 Pm
Susmit Paul (06/04/2017 04:35)
Nice church.
mohamadarif solihin (07/03/2017 01:19)
Ming Wijono (23/02/2017 18:21)
Gereja tua dengan interior yang unik.
harry jerry binilang (29/10/2016 13:25)
eriyani silalahi (08/10/2016 05:50)
My lovely church since i was kid
Kiky Karisoh (24/09/2016 16:23)
Good place to pray
michael ruru (19/06/2016 09:49)
Located at central Jakarta, it is one of the oldest churches in the capital. It is also has a historical value since it is build a long time ago by the Dutch and the architecture is beautiful. Currently it is being renovated so to preserve for future generations
Carlos M ツ (14/02/2016 10:47)
Immanuel church was built in the 1830s. Its circular form is loosely inspired by the Pantheon in Rome. The church is one of Jakarta's most stylish Dutch colonial buildings and is open most days.
Foto Lokasi (09/09/2016 16:35)
Benda Cagar Budaya, bangunan klasik masa perjuangan Indonesia
Fakhri Hakim Ramadhana (26/06/2016 06:57)
Bad building
aditia adit (17/06/2016 14:12)
Ngoguino Guntersah (25/05/2016 08:51)
Gereja yang menjadi sejarah kekristenan di Indonesia.
Gereja yang sangat bagus dengan organ manual raksasa. Semoga bisa menaungi dan memberkati seluruh umat Kristen di Indonesia dari segala Denominasi :)
Raphael Yoga Sanjaya (18/05/2016 23:25)
ini maksudnya apa gereja immanuel church? kok church nya 2 kali?
kingu rici ryadi (15/12/2015 04:20)
gereja yang sangat megah