Komentar :
Dadiek Krisnanto (29/04/2018 04:53)
Pretty clean..crowded on the weekend
Maharani R (25/04/2018 01:46)
The price are cheap
Rizqi Arifuddin (28/02/2018 23:37)
Not really recommended for bringing kids here. Not clean. Rooms and pillows are stinky.
abdullah jundi (25/02/2018 06:58)
Khanza Abdurrahman (30/10/2017 01:35)
Hot and nyummiiiiii.......
Samuel L (09/10/2017 16:18)
AC wasn't working. Average food.
Nando Ginting (28/12/2016 08:53)
Batak. You can bring your uncle, aunty, grandma, grandpa, parents, kids, cousins, niece, nephew in one room.
Samuel Lalujan (09/10/2017 16:18)
AC wasn't working. Average food.
Agus Waskito Driver (21/08/2017 06:07)
bilal setiadi (06/08/2017 07:42)
Made Putu Santika (15/07/2017 03:27)
Cheap place to sleep
suyono suyatno (29/06/2017 20:11)
Ventilasi sangat minim, shower bocor, kebersihan kurang
Munandar Pawiloi (14/01/2017 01:21)
Aqiel Zanki (09/12/2016 17:07)
Good Hotel
Iwan Suryadi (08/12/2016 03:45)
Very nice
Chyko Records (17/11/2016 22:15)
Roof was damaged and they didn't tell before I check in,,, so I have had to book another hotel since all rooms were full!
Rana Fathares (08/08/2016 09:46)
Rizki Setiawan (14/07/2016 20:43)
Murah tapi kurang kedap kamarnya
Bambang Supartono S.Pd. (21/06/2016 22:18)
Good place
Dimas Prasetyo (08/12/2015 12:02)
Bagus amat
Dewi Shinta Prabandari (13/06/2015 10:54)
sebenernya bagus2 aja, ramah, tapi saya udh pesen makanan nunggu 1,5 jam ga jadi2, eh tau'nya lupa ditulis sama orangnya -,-
Pitaque Suparlan (06/03/2015 15:04)
Harga nya brp ya???
brian nurdiansyah (03/12/2014 15:59)
safe and good
Siti Romzah (22/01/2014 07:10)