Komentar :
Sam Radjasa Dradjat (03/05/2018 14:46)
Good place to relax.
Adi Okara (27/04/2018 13:56)
Khai Ra (10/04/2018 23:48)
Lumayan sihh, luas emang, first impression nya bagus
Cuma kurang suka karena berdebu gitu lantai dan mejanya, belum dibersihin, padahal udah booking seminggu yang lalu. Pas check in ternyata masih kotor
Mita Hermoyo (28/12/2017 21:57)
Good service & friendly !
irwansyah sahrul (05/11/2017 13:00)
Price no lies...at room you still can hear karaoke cafe out loud
Ois Saudila (08/08/2017 03:55)
Expensive but nothing breakfast..
haekal joenoes (20/06/2017 16:04)
Cheap and clean hotel.. But unfortunately its surroundings area is not very clean and healthy. And not suitable for kids. The parking area is also needs improvement.
charles siagian (11/09/2017 17:29)
Dolas Bro (08/05/2017 16:11)
Lumayan bersih karna masih baru, cuma sayang kurang keliatan blm ada papan namanya yg keliatan dari 2 arah
Monopterus Albus (07/12/2016 01:50)
This is the cheapest room with less than 300K IDR in 2016.