Komentar :
lintang adi usaha (24/05/2018 03:44)
Kebersihan dan ketersediaan air bersih di pagi hari harus ditingkatkan.
basri umar (08/05/2018 03:47)
Good awsome service
Halili Hasan (04/04/2018 07:52)
A cozy hotel with an affordable prices.
Larasati Chairul (03/04/2018 13:44)
Lokasinya ngeri mau masuk dipalakin preman buat bayar parkir zzzz padahal cuma nge drop ruangannya bagus luas cm bau rokoknya nempel zzz hotel kecil lift kecil cuma buat 2 orang aja muatnya. Ga dpt sandal breakfast nasinya kaya nasi raskin. Cm 1lauk 1sayur doang. Lobby ga ada ac. Harga hotel sama kaya hotel modern yg ud bagus gitu zzzz mending jadi airy room aja
Thomas Falt (12/03/2018 09:57)
Otherwise would have given 4 stars but breakfast was completely 0. And they don't allow own food to be consumed in their facilities even if they don't sell anything to eat after breakfast.
Brahma Putra (19/01/2018 22:10)
A strategic hotel in the center of Jakarta because close to the Jayakarta train station, but the water from shower is not strong.
Ui Kiang (01/01/2018 10:30)
ziardeen alfasantoso (17/07/2017 10:26)
Cheap and cozy place, lots of parking space
acie acie (15/10/2017 09:32)
Chic place
Rany Rahmadany (03/04/2017 06:33)
Not bad
Daniel Shaharudin (01/02/2017 01:57)
Lack of water in the bathroom in the morning fcuk ! Lift only two people can in . Im waiting lift like half and hour just to go down with my beg . Soo not recomanded ! I never go back for this hotel !
Yuda Manik (19/09/2016 23:13)
Lack of water supply for the bathroom, you can hear what people did outside of your room, no view and window at all...
ayou phohippo (09/09/2016 17:23)
Near from jayakarta station, gud room, clean, so far is good for dat price,, oh ya, the bathroom is smell for the first time,, just dat 😄
Mauli Ayu (16/06/2016 05:04)
Recomended for cheap but cozy and comfortable hotel.
Herbert Keller (07/02/2016 11:36)
Good stay too look the city. Closed to the Tran station. Clean and save. Outside the area looking not so good.
hansen hadz (31/08/2016 15:39)
Faizal Hardi (04/06/2016 17:09)
Hotelnya nyaman, Kamar agak kecil, resepsionis ramah, lift super kecil hanya muat 2-3 orang, bersih, tempat tidur nyaman, overall jika dinilai dari 1-10 maka hotel ini pada nilai 7,5
ferry ramdhani (07/05/2016 08:12)
Hotel 55 Jakarta yang terletak di Jl. Pangeran jayakarta no 8 komplek artha center blok E1 jakarta barat sangat cocok untuk anda yang suka backpacker, selain harga yang murah fasilitas hotel sangat memuaskan.
lokasi hotel berada di pusat kota dan perbelanjaan.
Dalbanio Sart (16/12/2015 05:45)
Murah,kamar cukup bersih dan nyaman.
Tersedia air panas bwt mandi, ada sajadah bwt yg muslim.
Lokasi agak tersembunyi kurang strategis
Makanannya lom sempet coba