Komentar :
Yudhi Aryakusuma (13/04/2018 06:42)
Lovely fast food. Simply lovely.
schattenjager19 (31/03/2018 04:21)
The place is small but still ok
Yudi Siswanto (20/02/2018 15:33)
Nice food. Parking venue too small
Marianie Ekadewi (18/02/2018 12:04)
Excellent service for take aways, definitely not recommended for Dine in. No parking areas available for Cars.
Mirza Ramadhan (31/12/2017 15:45)
About the food i just ordered tokyo bowl gyudon and ogura(red bean) ice, the first one has quite tasty but i still can't describe about what is it, and the ogura ice was good for people who like simple dessert this thing was recommended
The minus of this place was the time to wait the main course to be served, they need more than 30minutes to be ready, i think that was too long for waiting if you choose to dine in, even i know the reason because this hokben was open 24/7 and they are who provide hokben delivery, that's why it take so long
Meilisa Putri (20/10/2017 05:12)
Not much space for parking lot, especially for cars
lia yulianti (22/08/2017 19:34)
A 24 hour restaurant
agung putra (06/08/2017 11:03)
24 hours food place, crowded and have not so big table to dine in.
yudhi hardian (03/07/2017 08:54)
Dessy Cempaka (29/06/2017 23:08)
24 jam buka
Foo Fighter (27/06/2017 11:13)
irma ramadan (29/05/2017 14:15)
no money + wanna eat japanese food = hokben
matrix9367 (16/04/2017 08:18)
Hablina Arifianti (16/03/2017 05:16)
Radar Sakha (25/02/2017 23:14)
Good service
Fajar Hidayatullah (17/02/2017 09:41)
sama seperti hokben yang lainnya. pelayanannya cukup baik, mohon ditingkatkan kembali karena pelayannya sering lupa
Purnomo Putranto (09/01/2017 00:46)
Good food
Dimas Prasetyo (29/12/2016 08:39)
Pelayanannya tidak lebih baik dibanding di mall. Ada baiknya hanya di buat delivery saja
melky irawan (20/09/2016 21:10)
Alvian Chris Pradana (14/08/2016 20:07)
Kecewa dgn pelayanan dan kebersihan. Crew super lambat dlm membersihkan tray bekas makan. Dan jarang dibersihkan semua diam aja di kasier. Padahal ga terlalu banyak pembeli. Bikin makan jadi ga nikmat.
Sisanya terlalu sempit utk mobil. Dan parkir motor terbatas.