Komentar :
yogo triarso (23/12/2019 07:50)
goood place to bought some herbal medicines
Mohamed Nadeem Anwar (01/12/2019 04:02)
Good spot to look at finding health care products for our daily needs of life
cretty c (21/08/2019 02:40)
complete herbal place in pemuda street, they also offer discounts on the items so it's surprisingly cheap there
nuraniku nuraniku (15/08/2019 11:45)
great halal herbal place offering various herbal stuffs with very reasonable price
ida z (24/02/2018 00:45)
Good store. Cheap price even for retail. A store that you can trust, they talk about each quality of the products. They sell various kind of product based on propolis, honey, dates syrup, olive oil, etc. You can find products such as soap made with propolis, blackseed mix with honey & olive oil, omega 3 with halal capsule in the store and so on. This store help me to maintain my health with minimum budget.
cretty (21/08/2019 02:40)
complete herbal place in pemuda street, they also offer discounts on the items so it's surprisingly cheap there
Agus Diyanto (11/07/2019 07:56)
Boim Possible (05/11/2018 04:30)
This place is good
Mohammad Irfan (25/06/2018 09:14)
Cheapest herbal grocery..
Arif Hamza (25/02/2018 05:28)
Their prices are tricky with higher base price and huge discount. In fact their discounted price is normal price in other herbal stores. Check expiry dates before purchase.
Tri Dharmantoyo toyo (25/09/2018 11:18)
Tempat yang cocok buat cari herbal, madu dll. Harga cukup murah. Lumayan lengkap. Klo gak ketemu yang si cari disini bisa cek ke toko2 sebelahnya.
Fish Akh (08/09/2018 06:58)
Love being here
Abdullah Izzuddiin Alqassam (01/05/2018 10:39)
Herbal yang dijual sangat bervariasi dengan harga kompetitif. Anda bisa menemukan kebutuhan Anda atas konsumsi herbal di toko ini, dari kurma, obat oral, obat luar, hingga obat khusus lelaki. Ada petugas yang ditempatkan di sisi-sisi toko untuk memandu pengunjung.
Tempat ini hampir selalu ramai. Persiapkan daftar belanjaan Anda agar tidak bingung di dalam toko. Dengan banyaknya jumlah pengunjung tiap harinya, mungkin sudah saatnya mempertimbangkan memperluas toko serta tempat parkirnya.
Nila Permatasari (12/03/2018 08:57)
Cheap prize
unggul wicaksana (01/02/2018 14:51)
Good herbal place
tri yatno (21/01/2018 22:42)
Cheap price herbal medicine
Rachman Aziz Wibowo (01/09/2017 21:33)
very helpful people there
Agung Kusbuwono (11/07/2017 04:00)
cheap herbal
Asep Maulana (21/06/2017 10:04)
Ramai dan murah
Muhammad Reza ali (16/06/2017 17:46)
Kebutuhan obat dan suplemen herbal yang lengkap. Harga murah dan pelayanan ramah
widji astuti (27/05/2017 02:27)
Karena banyak macam2 tuk kesehatan berupa madu,teh, koyok dll dan harga sangat murah klo untuk dijual lg msh ada untungnya ok maturnuwun
a reza samodra (08/05/2017 00:32)
place for looking at the alternate medication
Rahmat Wiar Budy (25/02/2017 02:06)
Harganya beneran harga distributor... Potongan harga sd 50%
Aji Manis (22/01/2017 16:14)
Tempat beli herbal murah
Taufik Muhammad (08/10/2016 11:57)
Harga terjangkau
vinod - jkt (15/09/2016 20:32)
Evie Sibarani (06/09/2016 07:46)
Bagus toko herbal nya
Abdussalan Kholifah Herb (23/10/2015 15:06)
gbre ra konek ki, ,, kok fotone haifa bekasi