Komentar :
Rudy Agung Setiawan (05/06/2018 20:06)
Namanya aja halte tapi tiap x kita mau jemput penumpang selalu di usir2 satpam kayak kita pengemis aja!... #salamsatuaspal
ardy zona (09/04/2018 09:26)
Eri Cahyono (27/01/2018 19:07)
This is pick up and drop-off area near Indonesia Stock Exchange building. You can get your taxi here. It’s also near Pacific Place mall in SCBD.
Fakhrud ZD Saputra (27/08/2017 06:23)
Easy to get access
sp budi setyarso (16/03/2017 13:48)
Modern architecture bus stop near the stock exchange building
Albert Winadi (08/03/2017 12:42)
So long....many smokers nowadays
George Michael (07/01/2017 11:48)
Indonesia stock exchange halted for pick up or drop off
Meirisa Ameliana (02/09/2017 14:56)
Tempat menunggu taxi,ojek,gojek atau jemputan. Sayangnya untuk ojek online sering diusir oleh petugas SCBD. Jadi kalau pesan ojek online harus segera naik. Untuk taxi ada tempat tunggu taxi Bluebird Group.
Helon Sitepu (04/10/2016 01:02)
Salah satu halte paling keren di Jakarta
Erlin Hikmawan (20/07/2016 07:58)
Tempat ketemu ama orang BEJ. Drop off paling rame di sekitaran SCBD. Ada taxi, shuttle bus, ojeg, DLL tumplek disini.