Komentar :
Daffa Reyhan (26/02/2018 13:58)
Klasik Dan Lumayan
golan el rio (06/12/2017 21:50)
Bagus si bagibsuka baya kelassic ato kedulu duluan tapi tampilan deoang gedungnya lumanyan seram T,T
Kevin Sucianto (02/02/2017 07:49)
Dirty, smells bad, and hot - this century-old is in limbo, but survives as one of the very last classic and independent cinema/bioscope in Jakarta.
Sragentina Chanel (27/10/2016 01:03)
Rizky Ikhsani (15/07/2016 15:07)
Oldest cinema in Jakarta which is still in operation. Dating back to 1930, it was known first as Kramat Theatre, then Rex Theatre, then Grand Theatre. Fortunately the building is still in operation, making it the oldest in Jakarta, however extremely poor in condition, only survives by offering horror and porn.
Hopefully the building can be restored.