Komentar :
Dwi Aprianto D (09/06/2018 10:41)
Tempat parkir nya luas, jadi kalo bawa mobil ga ribet
cipto TM* (01/06/2018 20:20)
Kiki Kurniawan (10/05/2018 09:07)
resurgence Great (19/04/2018 11:39)
This is the good place for shopping
Maudi Azzahra (18/04/2018 03:14)
Good place for shopping, parkings are huge
Marlangen P.S. (01/03/2018 08:11)
Don't expect much to shop veggies and meat here, they don't have much options.
dewan wahyu (24/01/2018 18:05)
Elisa Indrawati (28/09/2017 02:29)
It's a smaller version of usual Giant. Good enough for a quick shopping.
saiful amin (18/10/2017 07:15)
Steven Wahyudi (30/09/2017 07:41)
Not so big.
novero kussoy (18/08/2017 22:20)
This place is near the street and easy to reach
Panji Fauzan (01/06/2017 00:24)
Big parking lot, make vechile easy to park.