Komentar :
Ferry Sutanto (14/04/2018 13:28)
They had English service at 10.30am
Bryant Limm (07/04/2018 09:22)
Ikke Meissa Meissa (06/04/2018 09:51)
Gerejanya bagus
Sunie Chen (25/03/2018 04:52)
The vibe so peaceful
Raymond Richie (14/12/2017 09:44)
Big building, good Christian church.
Dewi Retika (18/08/2017 14:41)
Huge church. Many seminars offered. 5 Sunday services.
Stephen Daun (16/06/2017 23:16)
This church has a great ministry to the people for any age. From children to the elders. I feel blessed whenever I attend the sunday service. They have a great music, great service and great sermon. God bless this church.
Fredy Tandiary (30/07/2017 05:31)
Transformational church
david royal (30/07/2017 02:42)
Carilah Tuhan
Sugix togok (10/06/2017 14:55)
selalu penuh
Filbert Johan Benedict Sihombing (17/04/2017 12:08)
Sangat keren
Shenny Glennio (07/01/2017 13:54)
Sangat besar
Eng Lie (15/12/2016 15:17)
Iya karena kita tak boleh benci kepada tempat atau orang
Suryadi Hertanto (11/12/2016 12:14)
Kebaktian Umum hari Minggu : KU-1 jam 7.30, KU-2 jam 10.00, KU-3 (EWS) jam 10.00 dan KU-4 jam 17.00
abdul choir (06/11/2016 13:09)
Besar gereja nya
Mariae Yuliani (12/09/2016 10:38)
Gereja yg komplit kegiatanx,n diperuntukkan bagi semua umat tdk hanya yg beragama kristen ato jemaat gky aja ato warga sekitarx aja,sehingga kehadiranx sangat mulia. Semoga para tokoh2x terus bersikap ramah,tdk pilih kasih thd jemaat yg mana saja,tdk mem-beda2kan jemaat yg mana aja,anggaplah semua yg mau hadir adalah demi kemuliaan nama Yesus.