Komentar :
Jantje Hunila (16/07/2017 05:38)
Gb Jkt (09/11/2016 10:19)
Christophorus Gorgy (27/09/2016 10:32)
One of the oldest church in town. Getting better after renovation.
Lief Anthony (28/04/2016 08:13)
One of the the oldest Catholic churches in Jakarta. it has, what I would call, awkwardly-positioned, beautiful altar. It has gone through several renovation but thankfully, they decided to preserve the original facade
Christoforus Petrus Ho (23/01/2016 09:49)
To gathering with some friends from my community
Ferdian Yustiawan (23/08/2012 23:11)
Me and my girlfriend was baptism in this Church, and I hope I'll get married in here too :)