Komentar :
Jordy Yonathan (18/04/2018 04:09)
Great environment. easy to find. nice, quiet, and warm place to pray.
yoseph wata (01/04/2018 05:06)
Is the best
kodja franco (14/02/2018 02:43)
Old church with warm ambience. Located in a school and orphanage complex. Quite beautiful.
Fransiskus Sulaiman Ottor (01/10/2017 04:18)
It's good church, very comfortable being there...
Wibisana Jusuf (01/09/2017 13:38)
One of the great worshipping place for Catholics in Central Jakarta
Carine (17/06/2016 17:06)
Simple people. Simple place. As a church should be. Love it!
Alekz Lulij (14/11/2017 01:40)
Nice place for prayer
indoturtle (03/11/2017 06:41)
Nice Catholic church
Raphael Kosasih (10/08/2017 12:58)
The place is clean, there is an open room for parking and canteen aftwr ceremony
chris icn (09/02/2017 08:00)
catholic church far from street noise
Jimmy Lamo (15/10/2016 09:17)
Catholic Church
Susy Rizky Wiyantini (07/07/2016 20:06)
Gedung gereja sudah berubah, tapi suasana masih tetap sama dengan suasana hampir empat puluh tahun lalu, ketika saya baru saja dibaptis.
Blu Rider (08/05/2016 00:05)
Ziarah ke goa maria
Carolus Tirtokentjono (18/07/2016 10:47)
Tiap tahun ada novena besar st Antonius
Andre Yoga (16/05/2016 03:36)
Berlokasi di belakang Panti Asuhan Vinsensius, seberang gedung Komisi Yudisial
Ega Taka (19/12/2015 17:25)
Clara Manik (21/06/2015 02:48)
Saya bahkan bisa tau lokasi & jadwal gereja saya nanti jika tinggal disana