Komentar :
soni lasmana (02/01/2020 22:35)
Berlangganan fines disini sudah lama. Selain harganya yg ramah dikantong, alat dan fasilitas cukup lengkap. Crew ramah dan bersahabat. Dipinjamkan handuk kecil dan handuk besar,loker, ada sauna, air minum, kamar mandi dan toilet bersih dan wangi aroma terapi. Free akses kolam renang.
James Indra (29/08/2018 01:44)
I contact the sales and we make appointment with sales name Reza
When I arrive there, Reza is not there and the fitness is close. Every employee I ask answer dont know and they dont even care to help us
kadek Herry (11/07/2018 07:58)
Rossy Candra (13/04/2018 02:39)
Good enough place to do fitness. There's some facility like sauna, class, gym, swimming pool. The class is body combat, kegel, fun robic, aerobic, belly dance, yoga, zumba, aerodance, step, kapha power, yoga pilates. But the class is not too big enough.
Insan NH (02/02/2017 12:54)
Affordable, has sauna and pool. Just a little too little. But its worth the price.
Gerardus Alrianto (17/08/2016 10:08)
Nice fitness area and swimming pool. Not so big but good enough
Suresh Koli (09/07/2016 15:06)
I have stayed in Harris and the stay was really pleasant, every where is was colourful and specially kingcross was so close to the hotel.
kadek ditzi (11/07/2018 07:58)