Komentar :
Muhammad Iqbal Sudirman (10/05/2018 15:48)
I just bought what they called soft baked cookies. It’s quite pricey for a thin and not so big cookie size. And to make things worse, it’s not even soft as what the waiter said. It’s just like normal cookies. I regret to the fullest having bought cookies in this place. This place has past their golden era and now is becoming more deteriorating in quality!!!
Gabriela Lengkong (28/03/2018 07:51)
Tempat membeli segala macam cokelat yang tidak dijual di toko-toko biasa. Jual permen jelly bean juga. Ada kacang almond juga.
Favorit saya kalau kemari biasanya beli cokelat Whittaker’s Dark Ghana.
Penjaga tokonya biasanya ada 2 perempuan yang baik dan sopan. Suka ditawarkan tester cokelat merk mahal gratis.