Komentar :
mersi akasia (18/03/2018 02:55)
I like it
So beautiful
Eddy Warista (20/05/2017 17:57)
Loved it!
Denny Priyatna (01/09/2016 10:58)
I entered the Psychology clinic since i was teenager
Fransisca Mira (15/05/2016 04:34)
Estabilished in 1960, this is one of the smallest faculty in UI with some perks: a minimarket, two canteens, several major bank's ATM
Gumilang Reza Andika (03/05/2016 03:00)
Lovely little campus. The buildings are quite old, tho.
Denny Herdi Priyatna (01/09/2016 10:58)
I entered the Psychology clinic since i was teenager
tabuty Coffee (03/01/2016 14:35)
Best univercity in indonesia
Gugah Bawono (09/11/2014 14:05)
My Workplace
SURKAM SSi (27/09/2016 07:01)
Bagian Kampus UI yang selalu rutin tiap diselengarakan kerja sama Psikotes dengan BTA 45 dan BTA Group
Ferena Debineva (30/08/2016 10:01)
Ada alfamart ny
Glenn Reynaldi (17/05/2016 16:10)
Temukan kesegaran
di balik tutup botol nugrinti!
Dwi Wibowo (10/05/2016 07:40)
Fakultas pojokan. Bisa jadi ini tanah terkecil dari semua fakultas ui. Tapi jelas ini fakultas psikologi terbaik di negeri ini