Komentar :
rantala sikayo (20/03/2017 04:01)
au ah gelap, saya alumni departemen ini
Firdaus Muhammad (16/05/2016 15:42)
FISIP (Fakultas Ilmu Sosial & Ilmu Politik) ini adalah fakultas saya dulu, hehehe walaupun waktu itu diploma 3 & pada akhirnya program diploma 3 di pisahkan dibuat Fakultas baru yaitu Program Vokasi. [Intermezo]
FISIP itu menurut ane fakultas yg banyak mahasiswa nya, gak ke UI terutama gak ke Fisip namanya belom ke kampus, nuansa nya itu kuliah banget nyaman serasa rumah ke-3 setelah rumah sendiri & kostan memurut saya..
Ada kantin namanya Takor (Taman Korea) ada Teko (Teater Kolam) ya pokoknya FISIP mantablah..
Andi Falih (26/10/2015 04:05)
Fakultas yang selalu padat siang malam dengan aktifitas akademik maupun komunitas
Mouliza Kristhopher Donna Sweinstani (17/09/2015 00:48)
My master degree........
Choirun Nisa (04/07/2015 13:18)
My dream can bd happen
Tesa (13/10/2014 05:10)
Nice area, good environment, eye-catching scenery, with harmony of the buildings. It was an unforgettable moment to get involved in Olimpiade Ilmu Sosial VIII, conducted by FISIP UI, 2011. The Faculty is completed with kinds of facilities to support educational activity in the campus, particularly in Social Science major.
Rudi Ariotono (27/04/2017 07:55)
Calon politikus
Fransiska Margaretha Tesa Samanta (13/10/2014 05:10)
Nice area, good environment, eye-catching scenery, with harmony of the buildings. It was an unforgettable moment to get involved in Olimpiade Ilmu Sosial VIII, conducted by FISIP UI, 2011. The Faculty is completed with kinds of facilities to support educational activity in the campus, particularly in Social Science major.
Mouliza Donna Sweinstani (17/09/2015 00:48)
My master degree........