Komentar :
Rensus Paul (21/04/2018 12:29)
Ice creamnya enak dan ditaburi dengan oreo. Dan khasnya lagi, ice creamnya kalo dibalik tidak tumpah atau encer selama beberapa menit. Pasti kaget buat yang belum pernah nyoba ice cream dairy queen. Terdapat beberapa tempat duduk buat yg ingin menikmati ice cream sambil duduk tanpa perlu berjalan kesana kemari. Harganya standar seperti ice cream sebelah.
HASAN CHUMAENI BT SULTONI (14/01/2018 13:45)
Oke noted
Ias Naibaho (30/06/2017 04:35)
Oreo blizzard still the best! In my own opinion, this is one of the ice cream stall with a reasonable price for that kind of taste! The service is great and fast too, and they always have so many promotions. Really recommend this stall