Komentar :
Herulloh Driver (10/03/2017 12:41)
Good place for our education, not just for our children...
muhammad hardiyono (16/01/2017 10:20)
i'm dissapointed with this school make trafic jam....
Muhammad Emirsyah Rivaz Pasaribu (05/12/2016 04:42)
Amazing and i'm from Cikal and sooooo sry for the traffic. It's probably because Tikal has a lot of students or JKT is just a traffic city
Dewi Citrowati (19/05/2016 00:16)
Makes my 5 year old son Happy, Expect the VERY LONG traffic .-.
Tesna Rafinari Hasan (13/11/2015 02:21)
really great school, except the traffic...