Komentar :
Ronald rangkuti (02/05/2018 06:44)
shiroi kumo (01/10/2017 11:23)
Drugstore n many more
sylvia taniwidjaja (07/05/2017 07:34)
Pelayanan mengecewakan..
saat sy membutuhkan antibiotik dan dia meminta resep.
Sdh sy jelaskan jk sy dokter, pdhal sy member dr century juga.
Hamdan Dahlan (08/06/2016 04:19)
Just recently renovate the store, makes the display and ambience better than before. As pharmacy they also accept doctor's prescriptions.
H Dahlan (08/06/2016 04:19)
Just recently renovate the store, makes the display and ambience better than before. As pharmacy they also accept doctor's prescriptions.