Komentar :
Raysa kay (08/06/2019 09:38)
This place oftenly place the wrong price tag and didnt open more cashier although the queue is so long like 5 ppl with bunchload of stuff, and the open cashier are only 2-3.
eve Komala (20/03/2019 06:30)
I've just wanna buy this swallow sandal in UG.As I put it on cashier desk,she asked me how it cost.And then she asked me to go to Ground floor coz she cannot scan the barcode.Heyyy..I'm the one who wanna buy here.Not your employee!Don't sell if you don't know the price!
Yoanes Fredy (26/02/2019 03:38)
Little bit expensive than others
Maximillian Alexander (17/02/2019 14:44)
the store's inside feels cheap, but the prices aren't
ayung sutrisno (06/01/2019 12:27)
Need to focus on adding staff on cashier specially on weekend and holiday very long que.
Meilinda Anis (21/05/2018 03:02)
Medium tier kind of mall..
saut sembiring (11/04/2018 08:00)
Vincent Wijaya (15/02/2018 00:39)
Daniel Evans (21/01/2018 07:57)
The best place to buy rotten fruit and chicken in Jakarta.
Gas Engine (08/05/2017 11:56)
Leonard Agustinus Sumawan (12/02/2017 03:22)
I would prefer shopping at Carrefour Emporium Pluit. That's all
Wijoyo Ng (19/07/2016 14:26)
Shopping centre for groceries. Not bad
Paulus Kristian (09/10/2017 04:57)
Complete and cheap
Wilbert (20/04/2017 06:41)
Carrefour disini lengkap dan desainnya cukup baik meski kurang mantap. Carrefour PV ini mengisi lantai GF dan 1 Mal PV.
bagian carrefour di GF juga dekat dengan tenant makanan seperti Wendy's, Yie Thou, Baskin Robins, dll.
Delbert Tjemara (14/02/2017 09:51)
Mohon diperbaiki service pembayaran dikasir
Djulio Laurenzo (19/01/2017 07:09)
Great groceries
Dony Lay (09/12/2015 12:13)
It's ok
Ferdi Lau (21/02/2016 06:58)
Payah nomor telfon carrefour pluit village ga ada yg bisa di telfon, sampe yg di web resmi salah nomor ke season city. Beli ac dibilang gratis 5meter pipa, yg dateng bilang 3meter
Lita Lin (18/02/2016 11:49)
Carrefour paling jelek yg prnh saya kunjungi utk pelayanan kasirnya. very poor
Mei Dewi (14/02/2016 16:01)
Tmp aku belanja duluuuu 10th yg laluuu... udah tua banget ya nih mall
Dony Layardi (09/12/2015 12:13)
It's ok