Komentar :
Wiryawan Punkq (20/05/2018 21:19)
Kopi dan teh nya nikmat, tempatnya kecil tapi cukup strategis, uniknya menggunakan beberapa aksen bahasa Jawa.
Radja Sitanggang (09/05/2018 06:30)
Small coffee shop, it's good place for meeting point. Simply menu, fast services and friendly staff.
Andrias Arjab (17/12/2017 13:28)
Jajanan pasar yang biasa kita temui di pasar-pasar tradisional di masak dengan cita rasa yang modern, tanpa meninggalkan rasa aslinya.. Varian menu kopinya juga mantab, pokoknya tempat ini cocok untuk kerja, hangout atau meeting dengan klien...
Marcelia Setiawan (10/12/2016 03:27)
A good spot as a meeting point with friends. My favorite is Hot Blossom Tea.
Desmond Sukotjo (28/11/2016 23:30)
Surprisingly good coffee from a small shop. Strategic location inside Pacific Place Mall.
Justinus Budi (06/09/2016 06:04)
Tempatnya lumayan enak, cocok buat ngopi di jam makan siang. Ice americano enak.
Rahma Utami (28/05/2016 10:48)
A small coffeeshop just by the escalator on basement level. The coffee is quite strong and have a bitter after taste. Perhaps that's the catch because this place is quite a favorite, it's almost never empty. There is also some snacks to enjoy with the coffee.
The place is very small, it's good if you go with a friend but not more since there's really no place for a large crowd.