Komentar :
Yusuf Ismail (11/06/2018 01:58)
terkadang masih dijumpai beberapa produk non ori (OEM, KW). Di sisi lain, banyak juga barang yg ori dan bergaransi. Mesti nanya-nanya dulu ke pegawainya. Most importantly, salah satu toko aksesoris ternyaman dan terlengkap di kota Depok. Untuk harga relatif bersaing.
Muhammad Iddad (04/06/2018 09:56)
Store to find any computer accessories or parts. The best in the akses ui kelapa dua. Complete and quite cheap
aditya noor (22/04/2018 15:38)
It is an electronic store specialty computer
Dandun W (14/04/2018 02:35)
If you looking for computer's need, this store is one of the alternative.
This store sell laptops, PCs, printers, multimedia projectors, etc. Or if you wanna buy USB flash disks, PC or laptop cables, RAM, etc.
Ridwan Maulana (04/04/2018 05:56)
Variety of computer & mobile accessories available here. Nice experience to just explore or buying actual product
Ridwan Bahri (13/12/2017 04:19)
We can buy any kind of computer accessories here,
with the good price among the computer store near to it.
Mulad Vixus Rider (24/09/2017 05:33)
Computer store with great price
Auliya Nusyura Al Islami (20/09/2017 17:19)
Nice place for buying computer parts
Tri Mansuryana (29/08/2017 15:12)
if u wanna buy computer acc. u can go to this place 🤗
Agung Murdiyanto (29/08/2017 04:28)
small to medium scale computer's peripherals vendor with relatively sufficient stock