Komentar :
Heri Prasetyo (26/09/2020 05:08)
Elly Jhon Pandoh (01/03/2020 10:25)
Best staff
Daniel Silalahi (23/01/2020 06:50)
Astra Daihatsu Repair Shop is the best place to fix and maintain your Daihatsu car(s). It gives you service & spare parts' warranty which is longer than other general repair shop. The place is very convenient and the staff are kind and helpful.
The minus point is only the service charge(fee) which is a bit more expensive but as we all know that good quality comes with the price.
Perhaps, Astra can give more discounts or promos to its customers to help reducing the service fees.
Aries Pranantya (11/08/2019 01:12)
Bambang Dwi Laksono (10/08/2019 13:48)
Good service
Apri anto (20/01/2019 06:08)
Best body repair
Just Andre (26/05/2018 17:04)
Good servis
Andre Rumbajan (26/05/2018 17:04)
Good servis
Kholid Fahrudin (16/05/2018 06:07)
Lokasi dekat dengan pusat kota, mudah diakses, pelayanan baik.
Donsius Ulyreke (31/03/2018 14:09)
Repair daihatsu car body
Jief Ronev (07/11/2017 07:45)
Uthe Dwi (16/02/2017 13:09)
Bs ngemil2 & ngopi gratis sambil nunggu service selesai...tempat bagusss