Komentar :
Arvin Chandra (01/05/2018 18:46)
I came here to find some medicine at 1.45. The store was brightly lit, but no one was manning the counter. I pressed the doorbell a few times and even called the phone. But no one was there.
Unreliable 24 hour store.
Ceritaeka (12/02/2018 12:37)
If only this drug store has more complete meds then Apotek Rini than I will be regular here. Less crowded, cooler air conditioner, clean toilets and almost no que. Love the staffs who are friendly and fast response. Price is a bit higher but I don't mind since I don't need to que.
Ari Apriyansa (12/02/2018 08:06)
24 jam non stop bro
Gandhi Ferdinand (28/11/2017 03:45)
Not as complete as the popular Apotik Rini nearby (which is very very crowded), this pharmacy is an alternative if you don't want to face a very long queue... But some rare medicines may not be available here... However for more common medicines, this pharmacy is quite reliable, so, for quick shopping and less queueing, this may be the right place.
Adam Azano Satrio (28/05/2017 17:45)
This place is an alternative drugstore, it just fine.
noeg hape (13/05/2017 14:30)
Pegawainya kurang profesional. Saya tanya 3 kali apakah obat saya sudah selesai, tiga2nya dijawab obat racikan memang lama, padahal obat saya bukan racikan. Setelah ditanya 3 kali baru dicek dan ternyata obat saya sudah selesai. Padahal saya tidak keluar apotik. Mungkin petugas yg memanggil kurang keras suaranya dan memanggil cuman sekali saja. Seharusnya apabila ada yg menanyakan obatnya, pertama harus dicek dulu obat yg sudah selesai, seperti yg umum dilakukan apotik yg lain. Sangat kecewa dengan pelayanan Apotik K24 Rawamangun, padahal saya sengaja memilih K24 yg lokasinya lebih jauh dengan harapan bisa lebih cepat.
Suharso Sarjiman (11/07/2017 14:10)
Apotek ini alternatif apabila Anda ingin belanja obat dengan cepat. Antrean tidak banyak
Lilik Supriyanto (12/04/2017 11:27)
Karena didaerah sini bamyak kuliner yang enak enak
chris christiono (20/03/2017 16:32)
apotiknya cukup lengkap
Ade Putra (13/03/2017 23:58)
Nova Hasan (02/03/2017 09:41)
Pelayanannya memuaskan .. Obatnya komplit .. Bisa pakai kartu sakti lagiπ
sukron 84 (09/02/2017 22:28)
Harga terjangkau
dan pelayan cepat dan ramah.
Diana Sari (18/07/2015 06:06)
lebih murah daripd apotik sebelah, barang lengkap, pelayanan jauh lbh ok. di info promo hrg juga sebelum transaksi. bahkan bisa di antar kerumah kalau brg belum ada, ga kena biaya tambahan, ga harus deposit uang dulu.
amadt jarin (01/05/2015 10:11)
Obat ya jarang kosong.playan y ramah.