Komentar :
Andi Fitriawan (17/02/2018 11:56)
Mesjid berlokasi dipinggir taman pohon mangrove dengan bertemakan nature mesjidnya terbuat berbahan dasar kayu
Puji Triwidodo (19/01/2018 11:06)
This is a very beautiful mosque located in mangrove area. The floors and walls are made of wood. We can see a great sight of mangrove water while having a rest in this mosque. It really strenghtens our focus on prayer closer to The Almighty.
Masha Allah
Ita Rosita (16/01/2018 06:01)
Luas, bersih, adem. Ga sempet nyobain toiletnya sih. Tapi di lokasi yg jarang mesjid, mesjid ini jadi oase banget!!