Komentar :
Kakin Cobain (29/05/2018 02:08)
Pengen belajar jadi Pilot atau cuman sekedar merasakan sensasinya? Buruan dateng kesini...
Dan rasakan penerbangan dengan tanganmu...
eka pralingga (13/09/2017 05:42)
Awesome simulator...fully functional panels...just like a real flight ...guys ..u gotto try..wont be sorry...
Gilang Wardhana (11/09/2017 14:27)
Real aircraft panel start from overhead panel, MCP, pedestal, control wheel, throttle quadrant, fully functional FMS and awesome airport scenery.
Labiqah Humaira (29/05/2017 12:54)
If you ever had dreams of flying a plane but couldn't afford one due to the high costs of flying lessons, there is now an alternative in Jakarta through the AirCREW Sensation. It's really fun!
Daru Cahyono (24/05/2017 17:22)
Simulator Boeing 737
Hanni Pratiwi (18/05/2017 09:41)
Serasa bawa pesawat beneran ! Simulatornya asli, no replika, real cockpit, Instrukturnya baik2 bgt dan detail jelasinnya. pokoknya gak bakal nyesel deh datang kesini😊😊