Komentar :
Agung Mulyawan (29/11/2014 11:43)
Need more tenant likes tous les jours,sales cd playstation games or xbox games,any food else
Jacob Kastanja (15/06/2013 12:55)
ok laa plenty of food
Indera Dewaputera (17/09/2012 14:32)
Has a great food court called passer koeningan.. and several good restaurants
Adimin Baik (11/08/2012 10:24)
All kind of food are here.. nice place to meet and greet
Boyman Dior (04/07/2012 05:47)
New canteen at fast fest pasar festival named DOLSOT Korean food..best Korean food
fitra nugraha (22/10/2013 13:18)
Depan kantor
Narindra Yogatama (28/05/2013 14:15)
Much better condition after renovation. Koleksi makanannya lumayan kumplit.
Solihin Cinox (30/01/2013 11:51)
Tempat nongkrong
suryo anugrah sunendar (24/01/2013 12:12)
Tempat kumpul