Komentar :
aAn cadAz_ (14/04/2018 06:14)
sumar giyanto (15/12/2017 07:27)
Mf ada beautee nano scar gak ya ?
Ivan Lee Aditya (02/05/2017 00:09)
Bli obat
Rajawali Robert (19/02/2017 01:43)
Quite good. Sometime they don't have the medicine that you want but usually they have the other brand with the same benefit. The price a bit expensive.
Alvin Halim (23/08/2016 08:04)
The pharmacy is not complete, some of the drugs are the expensive ones. You can not find generic drugs here.
Tidak lengkap. Kebanyakan obatnya yang mahal. Susah cari obat generic.
Handry Carlos (13/07/2016 07:26)
Obatnya kurang lengkap