Komentar :
gamal tamrin (24/06/2017 11:40)
Sevel udh bangkrut.skrg gedungnya ga tau lg mau jadi apa
Tri Asmorojati (07/12/2016 03:28)
Fajri Surya Putra (09/10/2016 16:18)
Used to be a nice hang out place, but not anymore. The air conditioner sometimes broken and took about 2 weeks before they get repaired and then broke again. The worst of the worse is the toilet. Really filthy, disgusting, and stink. Try to get a seat inside the store, or you'll get visited regularly by beggars or street musician with a vocal quality underneath Justin Bieber's bed in hell.
vinod - jkt (15/09/2016 20:37)
Bonadi Mangunkusumo (25/02/2016 04:31)
rame ni sepelll
Rey naldy (25/12/2016 15:28)
Opant Indrach (26/11/2016 15:45)
Atasnya udah gak bisa buat nongkrong..
Foto Lokasi (25/06/2016 05:15)
wireless internet dengan koneksi yang cepat
anas a (16/05/2016 05:23)
enak buat nongkrong dan ada ATM Center nya