Komentar :
Muhammad Fadil (19/04/2017 14:45)
Good lah
Happy Ferdian (01/04/2017 11:00)
In Indonesia, 7-Eleven is becoming such a trendy place to hangout with. You can find good snacks and beverages, then chit-chat with people while you also can charge your phone or browse the internet at the same time.
Muchamad Iqbal Arief (16/05/2016 07:24)
Good place to hang out with friends and having smalltalk XD
Shita Rahutomo (02/05/2016 22:06)
Love coldstone green tea ice cream, matcha latte and coffee latte. Populer among teenagers
Arne Trautmann (15/04/2016 17:37)
Ahhhh... 7/11 in Pazar Festival. You saved me so many nights and early mornings. I can hang out with you, have coffee, early roti, load pulsa to my phone, buy toilet paper around the clock. And, of course, eat your world famous Mango Pudding.
Carlos M ツ (18/02/2016 04:34)
Great place to have refresh drink and smoke on the go too crowded at night outdoor seating.
Mr. Ahmad Andiyanto (01/06/2017 07:26)