Direktori Lokasi di Indonesia

Gadjah Mada University

Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta
Klasifikasi: Sekolah
Alamat: Bulaksumur, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
Rating: 4.60
Telp: +62 274 588688

Komentar :

Rena Nurul Ummah (25/04/2018 11:19)
lovely campus, cool library, great mosque, many wi-fi/hot spot area, free bike rental for college students, you can find classic & modern building, good vibes almost in every corner of the campus

Adi Pradana (25/04/2018 00:29)
Rectorate of Gadjah Mada University. Oldest and or first campus built in Indonesia after independence. 19 December 1949. 1 year after Dutch raid Yogyakarta (19 December 1948)

dee widie (07/04/2018 05:55)
"Bakti kami mahasiswa Gadjah Mada semua,
Ku berjanji memenuhi panggilan bangsaku..."
If you've been a student here, at least will know this piece of the song. Missed that moment & all of my friends, how are you now?

Ajeng Kinasih (06/04/2018 21:46)
Unquestionably the best university in the area. You’ll be surprised that the university buildings cover a large portion of the city. It has a lot of faculties and academias.

Indhira Putri Pamungkas (05/04/2018 22:21)
Salah satu universitas termashur di Indonesia yang terletak di Jogja.
Bisa juga disebut miniatur Indonesia karena hampir ada beberapa putra terbaik dari setiap daerah yang menuntut ilmu di sini.
Kualitas pendidikan di universitas ini sudah tidak perlu diragukan lagi.
Dari segi bangunan tak kalah memukaunya. Tak sembarang arsitek yang bisa menyumbangkan hasil karyanya menjadi bangunan di sekolah ini.
Dari segi pengajar tentu saja tidak diragukan lagi. Para staf pengajar di sini tentu saja bukan sembarang lulusan.
Entah seperti apa sekarang perkembangan yang sudah terjadi di sekolah ini. Semoga menjadi semakin baik dari masa ke masa.

Adkhan Sholeh (13/03/2018 18:51)
Anything you would expect, or you would never expect, can probably be met here. An academic title, friends, experiences, career ... its all normally expected and usually can be achieved here. Take another thing: jodoh, or soulmate, for example. Many who didn't expect, met theirs here. Just as the opposite. Not for me though. Neither expecting nor got mine here. :)

Kazuki Anindita (21/02/2018 06:21)
You can find various things in this campus. I am an alumni from this campus. I've learnt not only from my lecturers but also from local communities around. It has softball/baseball field, my favorite! It has Wisdom Park as one of its open spaces. Cleanliness in some area is still becoming issues just like any other Indonesian regions.

Wing Wahyu Winarno (23/09/2017 05:58)
The oldest state university in Indonesia. Unfortunately, it does not yet have an integrated information systems yet. As in other big, well-known state universities in Indonessia, GMU stil run so many manual procedures. And until I write this review, GMU does not have mobile app for its students or lecturers.

Rochmad G. Saputra (02/09/2017 06:41)
The most prestigious, and reputable university, the largest and oldest University in Indonesia... It wil be an honor if can study here

febby lst (07/08/2017 19:36)
Such a good place buat mengenang kamuh

Arum Kartika (03/08/2017 14:49)
Perfect architecture! I often spend my spare time to hang around the jogging track with my friends or just to waste my rest afternoon at the library. It's always the ambiance I want to take pleasure in.

Wati Ningrum (28/06/2017 23:24)
Universitas Gadjah Mada, namanya sudah dipatenkan ya, jadi ga ada nama versi English-nya.. Almamater tercinta.. 😙

Orin Setyadi (21/04/2017 22:29)
Been here once, but it's really a huge and one of the best university in Indonesia. Great programs, great facilities. Good stuffs ! Fantastic

muhdi anto (18/04/2017 11:31)
its my campus. to much story. so wonderful. love it.

Pati Nusiyanto (22/03/2017 15:53)
One of the most famous and favourite university in Indonesia. Also one of the Jogjakarta icon. Many of important person in Indonesia government are graduated from this University.

Oky Bagus (01/03/2017 00:09)
Great place for great ideas breeders. So far so good here.
Plus, the campus environment is top class.

Setyo Tri Windrasmara (22/02/2017 18:35)
Kampus yang well buat jalan-jalan. Public space yang paling teduh di Jogja, secara Jogja nggak punya banyak public space.

reyhan iskandar (18/02/2017 13:50)
Good place both for the students or the tourist. Comfortable place to visit

beny abdurrahman (22/01/2017 08:48)
Best university in Yogyakarta, there are so many faculty and major, it has good reputation on research and student development

Azizi Khoirul Haq (12/12/2016 12:52)
Best university in Indonesia. I am very proud to be student at FMIPA UGM.

Angela Mita Arsari (17/11/2016 20:09)
Favorite university. Hopefully we can get in SNMPTN 2017 UGM faculty of medicine. amin

Rinjani Abarai (15/08/2016 21:12)
One of The Biggest University on Indonesia that can you visit on Yogyakarta, even you are on vacation you will feel great atmosphere in this campus.

And the way to enjoy this place is on Sunday Morning (SunMor), routine activity that makes everyone happy.

Ilham Fitri Nurilhuda (30/07/2016 19:08)
Kalo orang dengar yang namanya UGM. Orang langsung takjub mendengar namanya. Kakakku yang namanya Sabbaha Mafaza Salsabila kuliah disini. Sudah wisuda tanggal 18 Februari 2016.

AG (17/07/2016 17:03)
One of the best university in Indonesia. The environment is beautiful and really suitable for students to study here.

Abdul Qoyyum (25/06/2016 18:57)
kampus bhinneka tunggal ika.

Siswanto Agus (24/04/2016 00:32)
Some one will be proud, if she/he can study at this university. We must just worship Allah S.W.T

Vic Easter (22/04/2016 20:12)
The best state university in Indonesia according to DIKTI. The best place for student to become enterpreneur.

Valeriy Shatilov (12/04/2016 16:10)
Biggest and most famous and prestigious university in Jogja. If you are not a student you still can use its area for doing some jogging in the evening. The area is very green and clean.

Annisa Khairani (14/02/2016 01:23)
My favorite university. And next my study i will go there and take major Ilmu Sejarah. Aamiin.

Waqqas Hanafi (23/11/2015 13:31)
Huge university but has a long way to go before I can accept it as a place where young minds thrive. I'd write more but as a student of UGM, I have fear of repercussions from people that spend more time trying to take offense than actually improving things to prevent critique.

Tempat Lainnya :

  1. Bina Avia Persada
    Jl. Ipda Tut Harsono No. 32, Timoho, Muja Muju, Umbulharjo, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55162, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 274 550442
  2. ITC UAD
    Jalan Kapas No.9, Semaki, Umbulharjo, Semaki, Umbulharjo, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55166, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 274 563515
  3. Faculty of Theology
    Kotabaru, Gondokusuman, Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55224, Indonesia
  4. The Department of Economics and Business
    Karang Malang, Caturtunggal, Depok Sub-District, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
  5. Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
    Jalan Brawijaya, Kasihan, Geblagan, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55183, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 274 387656
  6. UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
    Jalan Laksda Adisucipto, Caturtunggal, Depok, Papringan, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 274 589621
  7. Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta - Kampus 3 Gedung Bonaventura Babarsari
    Jalan Babarsari No.43, Caturtunggal, Depok, Janti, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 274 487711
  8. Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana
    Jalan Doktor Wahidin Sudirohusodo No. 5 – 25, Kotabaru, Gondokusuman, Kotabaru, Gondokusuman, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55224, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 274 563929
  9. UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta, Kampus Pusat
    Jalan SWK 104, Condongcatur, Depok, Ngropoh, Condongcatur, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55283, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 274 486733
  10. High School of Rural Community Development "apmd"
    Jl. Timoho, Baciro, Gondokusuman, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55225, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 274 561971
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